What Happens at HOA Meetings in Covina, California?

What Happens at HOA Meetings in Covina, California?

Recent statistics show that nearly 37 percent of California residents belong to an HOA association. The benefits of an HOA community association include improved property values and rules and regulations to deter nuisances. An HOA management company typically uses a manager to oversee the HOA board and HOA meetings.

Meetings with the HOA board cover setting an agenda, hearing from homeowners, and discussing vendor contracts. Following just a few steps will mean a smooth gathering of the HOA association.

Here's what happens at HOA meetings in Covina, California.

Setting an Agenda

The HOA community association manager works with the HOA board to set the HOA meeting agenda.

Having a similar HOA meeting agenda monthly is essential, but if there's an emergency or a different set of circumstances, feel free to cover those issues too.

Set a time limit. The HOA community association secretary will usually take the minutes.

Hearing From Homeowners

Homeowners typically address the HOA board and the HOA association about several issues, including bylaws, dues, and even complaints.

A recent survey found that the average HOA fees are $300 monthly. Some may argue the figure is too high, and they might question how it's being spent.

Hear them out. The HOA board might hear of an unexpected issue from a homeowner. You might discover a solution thanks to a homeowner.

Ensure each member speaks for a set amount of time. Allowing people to exceed their time limit with the HOA community association could cause fairness and equity issues.

Vendor Contracts

During the meeting, the HOA board and the HOA management company will likely discuss vendor contracts. For example, you might have to renew the landscaping vendor or the pool maintenance company.

The HOA management company might discuss capital projects like street paving or playground equipment.

Allow Committees to Meet

Your HOA board might have separate committees for communications and social activities. Allow those committees to break out into separate meetings. Those members can then report back to the full committee of their findings.

Keep Things Focused

It's essential to keep things succinct. Don't let anyone speak for too long or control the meeting. Keep the entire meeting to 60 or 90 minutes. Going long or getting off-track might discourage the memberships. Even the HOA board might grow frustrated with a lack of focus.

Set Another Meeting Date

Once you wrap up your HOA board meeting, set the next meeting. Members will appreciate knowing when you will meet next. Also, publicize the meeting dates and minutes through social media or email.

What Happens at HOA Meetings

Here's what should happen at HOA meetings - setting an agenda, hearing from homeowners, and discussing vendor contracts. Furthermore, it would be best if you allowed committees to meet. Keep your meetings focused, and don't forget to set the next meeting date!

Please schedule an appointment with us to allow us to run your HOA association. Our professional property management firm handles everything from bylaw enforcement to dues collection.

Our team in Covina, California, will improve your community's liability and make it a great place to live!
